Care for Nature

“I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.” —Mother Teresa

The Art of God

The ultimate power source

I have a close and personal relationship with the Sun. I am named after him as I was born on a Sunday!Each minute of every day, enough sunlight falls on the Earth’s surface to meet the world’s energy demand for an entire year; and it’s free.Unfortunately like most things that Nature provides us and especially when it is provided for free without any demands being made, we humans tend not to respect or value it and in fact very often end up abusing it.
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Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul.

Rain has great importance in human life because life is not possible without water. The rainy day immediately spreads happiness and peace in the atmosphere. It brings a smile to everyone’s face and also gives a reason to celebrate.
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Come together to plant

Be like a Tree. Stay grounded. Connect with your roots. Turn over a new leaf. Bend before you break. Enjoy your unique natural beauty. Keep growing.”Trees have numerous benefits and it can hardly be overstated.They support the environment in various ways and without them; life on earth would be impossible.
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The mountains are calling, and I must go.

Home to 1.2 billion people and occupying nearly a quarter of the earth’s surface, mountains and their surrounding ecosystems provide a bounty of life-sustaining resources.Over half of humanity relies on these freshwater reserves drawn from mountain ecosystems.
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Think Blue and go green

The ocean is the largest ecosystem on Earth, and it is the planet’s life support system. The ocean is essential for all life on Earth, including humans. To ensure a sustainable future, we must protect and preserve healthy marine ecosystems.
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